A record of my adventures of birds and bird ringing

Wednesday 5 May 2010

More nests...

The blackbird chicks have fledged and I have found another nest - this one in a far more public position.

Outside my department is a small square of green with a tree and a few bushes. There is a pair of blackbirds which have just finished building their nest there, in full view of any passers-by (if you know which bush to look at). Approaching the nest does not seem to disturb the female at all - she just sits tight - I guess she's used to people! The nest also has an astonishing amount of plastic in it (photos to follow).

1 comment:

  1. Hi, been following your and Jim's blogs for a while, as I know Jim through marti ringing (and have visited Roudsea with him). I've got a similar marti project going near Huntingdon, and will be extracting pulli from natural holes next week for ringing. I'm staying around Cambridge, so if you fancy coming along for a look (could always do with an extra pair of hands!) email me and we'll see if we can arrange something. Google me at Richard Broughton CEH staff for my email address. Cheers.
